These three, horrible eaters of time and energy, creep in with vile intent and devour quickly everything you think you have time to do.
They eat hope, joy, energy, planning... they eat it all without remorse or pause. The meal is fast, you never see it coming... then you turn and look and oops. It's gone and there sit the Trio with Cheshire grins on their ugly faces.
it's not fun.
So what do you do to combat this? HOW do you fight back against the Trio?
Motivation is fleeting in times like this. You search, you try, and you often fail. Minutes turn into hours, turn into days, into weeks.... and then a month has passed without you even realizing it.
A few things I've found helpful? Lots of telling myself to STOP.

sitting on the couch
ignoring lists
movie marathons
netflix binge-watching
falling into facebook
avoiding chores
putting things off
Instead? GO.

get a shower
put together a schedule
do the chores
take a walk
do the errands you need to do
out with friends
A really intelligent man said "Every action has an equal opposite reaction" and an even smarter man put those words in a catchy song that I listen to a LOT. (Hamilton. go look it up, I'll be here.) But the thing that gets me about that sentence specifically is that if there is no initial action, there is no other action. NOTHING happens. Void happens. the Trio happens.
You lose.
So, ACTION! GO! *boom*
Fill the Void with action, tell your story through action, let your art flow out of you instead of bottling up inside. Write until you have nothing more to write. Clean the house till it shines. Do ALL THE ERRANDS.
Don't let the Trio win.
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