We trust a lot of things in our lives. We trust that the sun is coming up tomorrow. We trust it'll set tonight and the moon will rise. We trust that technology will work as it's designed to and we trust that people around us will obey the laws of man.
We trust a LOT.
So when trust is broken, that betrayal we feel is unlike anything else. It's a pain that lasts, no matter how "over it" you think you might be. When we feel that trust slipping, it's almost worse - we can see the slope, and the edge, and the nothingness beyond that... and we can see the trust we hold dear teetering like a baby on unsteady legs.
When trust is forced, either by situation or by interaction, it's never easy. That nervousness we feel, that rumbling pit in our stomachs, will color our whole day. But when we have to place supreme trust in strangers is when we are the most tested.
We're having a team work on our basement, and those two men are at our house alone. They have to be - neither of us can be there, and beside - they're using jackhammers and air hammers and saws-alls and other power tools of loud and painful sounds, so who really wants to try and work from home through that? Neither of us, that's for certain. But in reality, what we're doing is trusting them explicitly to do what they said they're going to do - stay out of the upstairs, work quickly and efficiently, be polite and respectful of our home, and to leave all our things undisturbed. That is a lot of trust.
We give it, because we want the services they render done in the timeframe we want them done. We can't wait on this till one of us has the vacation time to be there all day. So it's being done, and hours are sacrificed at work, and we do what we have to so that we can have this completed before the rains start in earnest. This is already a wet Winter - so many, many feet of snow, and the groundwater is already high in our basement - and Spring threatens to be wetter still with rains and melting for months. So, we have this done, and we trust the men doing the work. It's a trust that doesn't sit easy, but is necessary so we don't fight it.
So... trust comes, trust goes.... and somewhere in there we are decidedly uncomfortable for some length of time.
We trust the Gods and Goddesses too... and they trust us in turn. We look to them and trust that they are our teachers, guides, mentors, leaders - we trust the advice they give and we trust their intentions. Likewise, they trust us as students, that we will use their teachings well, that we will listen, that we won't abuse their interaction with us. They trust our intentions.
Be thankful for the trust you have, and don't abuse it.
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