Ostara just happened, our dyed eggs are still in the fridge, and our seedlings are still in starter sets inside the house.
We think about Spring, about warmth and sun and light weight clothing. Our coats seem to weigh a ton, our scarves strangle us... and yet we walk outside our homes to freezing temperatures. We look at the calendar, we check the dates - and yes, it is the last throes of March. It is almost April Fools and snow is (no joke) still in piles on the ground. The wind is still an icy blade on our cheeks. The rain, frozen as it is, sounds like a thousand bits of gravel falling.
Where are the warm breezes of Spring? We stand at dawn, screaming against the cold in the glow of the sun at 6am. We wait at noon, glaring eyes out of our office windows at the freeze and slush that accumulates on roadways and walkways. The sun sets and we hide inside, steaming mugs in our hands instead of the cool teas we long to drink on the decks we stare at from heated rooms.
It is in these times, trying as they are, that we must draw up from the Earth and pull that warmth that we know is there to the surface. Will this do anything to warm the air outside? Maybe. Probably not. It will warm the frozen parts of our souls though, as we push the cold away from us and embrace Spring however we find it. The tulips are starting to peek through, and the crocus are blooming somewhere. The Earth knows though the Winds won't let go, and the Water stays icy - Fire wants to dance in the dimming twilight of evening and send smoke to the heavens, not stare forcefully out of the fireplace, filling a brick tunnel with scent and ash.
This is one of those moments were we all have "Senioritis". If you haven't heard this term before (and I'd be kinda surprised, but however) it describes the desire to leave the current situation for the wonderful thing to come next. This is that feeling you get at 4pm on Friday when your quitting time at work is 5pm. You feel it the day before you leave for a big trip, when all you want to do is GO! but you're stuck at work for another however many hours. We all have it right now, for Spring as we are trying to rage-quit Winter.
In this season of transition, be kind to Winter. Remember it has it's place and while we may think that place is behind us, it is still relevant for a reason, it is still with us for a reason, and listening is what's needed, not screaming.
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