Should put this up yesterday, but today is good too.
This is from a post I put up on my previous blog, and being nostalgic on the holy days as I often am, decided this is a good day to post.
There are things in this world stronger than wands, stronger than potions or curses and it is love that binds them, that holds their power. It is these things that, when used properly, have the abilities that are only read about in books. Ordinary objects until someone loves them, until someone believes in the strength of the bond that ties that item to a person or idea - but when that power is called on, it is more magical than anything you could dream in a book of wizards and fae. It is more than a spoken word in latin or a phrase that rhymes. It is pure magic, the magic of belief and of love, of honor and of fate. That is what the mistake is - to think that magic does not exist is to say that belief does not exist, that faith does not exist. Magic is love, pure and simple. Magic is seeing beyond the visible, looking to the unseen to be your guide and to allow everything in it's time to be revealed as such. No cards are needed, no special books bound in ancient leather, no stick finely adorned, no robes with runes at the hem. Magic is power from within, the power of knowing you have the ability to do what it is you are called on to do and then doing it without ceremony, just doing it as you are called on.
Yes, there are things in this world stronger than what some see and it is magic or belief or trust or faith or whatever name you wish to call it by. It is not the stuff of legend for it lives now, in the present. It breathes through those with the courage to look, to see and to act on it - those who call it out, grab it and make it their own. It is within us, waiting for the moment it's needed and hoping that we have the strength to call it by name so that it may weave through us and aid us in all the amazing ways it can. It is not something you learn from an old woman in the woods, or from a man with a trailing beard and wrinkles - there is no pointy hat unless you happen to own one and feel like wearing it. Magic is real, it is alive and it is that thought that binds us all to something greater than ourselves. Whether you choose to own it or live to it or revere it in your own way is up to you - whether you feel you can call on it or you must pray to it is your choice and it is how your particular vein of magic reveals itself but we all have it.
The true question is will you call on it? Or will you deny it?
I choose to call on it.
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