Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Should old acquaintance be forgot...

and brought no more to mind?  

They say in the days leading to the New Year you should do the things you want to be doing most that year.  Some say that it's only on New Year's Eve that you should be doing what you want to be doing in the coming year.  For others the New Year passed at Samhain, so we see this as a chance to reinforce those things that we want in the coming year. 

This morning was spent doing exactly what I want to be doing in the coming year, lying safely in the arms of the man I love, in the home we're creating together.  


As Pagans we celebrate two New Year milestones - one on Samhain and one on December 31st/January 1st.  This is a perfect chance for us to solidify the wishes we have for our new year, to talk to the Goddess/God and contemplate if we've stepped onto the correct path in our new year.  What we started at Samhain will start to take root now, and we can see the shape of what we're creating for the near future.  If this shape isn't what we're looking for, then we can make those changes that are needed now, in a time of powerful change when so many are focused on that very energy.  

The world as a whole looks to change in January - it's a smaller number that keep that change steady into the following months.  What changes did you enact at Samhain?  Have those changes held?  Did you slip?  Is the shape of your future not what you wanted?  For as close on the heels of Yule that Samhain feels, it's a rather long time.  A lot has happened.  A lot is still to come.  But there is time.  

One of the things I love about winter is that there is so much time.  And there really isn't any more than there is in the summer, but in the winter you can just sit and relax and no one wonders why you aren't out doing things.  There is time to reflect, to stare, to think and to breathe.  

So take some of this time to be still in the cold of winter.  Make the shape of the change you want to happen a solid and tangible thing, a touchstone for the year that can help you enact the change.  

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